The Struggle: to have…to be…to do…!

The Struggle is real. It is safe to say that being self-aware even makes it so much more difficult, however, the desire to be more, to achieve more, to have more, aspire for things and watch them materialise just the way we had imagined keeps getting stronger day by day.

So what is your struggle story?

What have you been struggling with lately?

For me, it has been to start a side gig/business. As at now, I am unsure of the right words to use in qualifying or describing the Struggle, but one thing I know is the fact that my MIND travels at will.

To Write Or To Talk?

Blank Canvas

This is me. I have struggled with this, to write or to talk for a while now. Why the struggle? Well, it is largely because I feel I can do a better job expressing myself writing than talking.

So, here goes the test. You my reader should be the better judge of that. I know you are yet to hear me speak or articulate my thought on an idea, but I guess we can start with baby steps right, so back to being the judge, do I express myself writing or talking?

I guess time will tell for me.


a porcelain doll

*culled from


there is a deafening scream

that awakens the heart to everything

the earth quakes with rage beneath my feet

life beats a thousand times a minute

but to onlookers the outside of me

is of porcelain perfection

no blinks to be had

make-up beautifully intricate, flawless

my smile precise and stained so lovely

my outfit boldly fashionable

a cause for envy

compliments flow like a strong river

but never quench the thirst

the inside remains parched

searching for sustenance

desperate and shaken

yet tough and still

perfect to the eye

my porcelain style


It’s a familiar word, not used as much as other words, but its the bane of so many things we sometimes don’t pay attention to. Nothing exists on its own.